CIVITAS is concerned with disposal of the large volume of solid waste generated on the East Side of Manhattan, both residential and commercial, and how it affects air pollution levels, congestion and impact on residential areas. The East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station in Manhattan, now closed, is the subject of a proposal for reactivation and expansion. CIVITAS testified in support of the Mayor’s comprehensive solid waste management plan (“SWMP”), and with respect to the East 91st Street site is pressing to insure there will be no queuing of trucks on York Avenue, that noxious odors and emissions are curtailed and that operations are restricted to reasonable hours.
CIVITAS, by its appointed representative, is active in the Citizen Advisory Group, which is comprised of neighbors and community organizations. CIVITAS is focused on serving a watchdog role to make sure the permits for the proposed MTS are enforced and the facility’s impacts on the community are mitigated. In July 2012, CIVITAS sent the following letter to Mayor Michael Bloomberg and NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn expressing our request that their respective bodies reevaluate the City’s Solid Waste Management Plan with respect to the East 91st Street MTS. The full letter is here.