Land Use

Land Use

Working for Quality in Urban Life

CIVITAS supports environmentally conscientious development, vibrant street level retail activity, uncluttered sidewalks and access to efficient public transit.

FRIENDS of the Upper East Side, The New York Landmarks Conservancy, Carnegie Hill Neighbors, and CIVITAS Oppose Lenox Hill Hospital Proposed Expansion Plan.



City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Citywide Zoning Proposal 



City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Citywide Zoning Proposal 



300-350 Building Height Limit Proposal (C1-9X)

In recent years, the Upper East Side has seen the development of several high-rise buildings that are not in scale or architecturally sympathetic to our neighborhood’s existing built character. In the early 1980’s the Upper East Side was rezoned, allowing higher density development on the avenues within a contextual building envelope that had specific street-wall requirements and height limits.
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Zoning for Quality and Affordability

In May 2014, Mayor de Blasio released his plan ‘Housing New York,’ a five-borough ten-year plan to preserve and expand affordable housing. Key components of this plan include protecting current housing stock, preserving 120,000 units of existing housing, investing in strong neighborhoods by planning with communities, and creating 80,000 new affordable housing units.

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Paul Newman: No More Tall Stories

In 1986, CIVITAS initiated a study, No More Tall Stories, which makes the case for lower buildings, with the same heights as their neighbors, and elimination of plazas along Upper East Side avenues.  Paul Newman narrates the video illustrating the issue.

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