

Working for Quality in Urban Life

At CIVITAS, we're dedicated to promoting efficient and accessible public transportation, emphasizing the importance of safe pedestrian conditions for accessing transit options and neighborhood amenities. Our mission involves working towards a transportation infrastructure that is both seamless and user-friendly, advocating for improved subway and bus services while prioritizing pedestrian safety and convenience.


CIVITAS Embarks On E-Bike/Pedestrian/Street Safety Initiative

CIVITAS is conducting outreach to businesses, neighborhood organizations and the major food delivery businesses. Advocating for increased pedestrian safety, we are distributing message cards requesting Deliveristas to please follow the rules of the road including the law against riding on sidewalks and riding against traffic.




Tuesdays at 12:30PM:

October 3, 10 (site visit), 17, 24 & 31

Confirmed Guest Presenters (in formation):

Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez - New York City Department of Transportation

Sam Schwartz - Sam Schwartz Pedestrian Traffic Management Services

Georges Jacquemart - Transportation Planner, Principal, BFJ Planning

Michael Lydon - Tactical Urbanist, Street Plans

Click to Register

Upper East Side Crosstown
Bike Lanes

In November 2015, Community Board 8 (CB 8) passed a resolution, calling on the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) to study and make recommendations for a temporary network of cross-town painted bike lanes within the CB 8 district (59th Street to 96th Street), from Fifth Avenue to York /East End Avenues.
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Second Avenue Subway

CIVITAS is a long time and vocal supporter of the Second Avenue subway’s completion. Since construction began in 2007, issues have arisen with the MTA’s planning process and the construction’s impact on the community.
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East 96th Street Pedestrian Access to the Esplanade

Access to the East River Esplanade can be problematic in many locations along its span, but perhaps one of the most dangerous entry points is the crossing at East 96th Street.
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Bus Rapid Transit

CIVITAS supports the October 2010 implementation of Select Bus Service (SBS) on First and Second Avenue (South Ferry to 125th Street), which replaces the M15 Limited.
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